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Sunday 6 September 2015

Grammar speaking & LearninG

Grammar speaking & LearninG beside / besides beside: preposition meaning 'next to', 'at the side of' Examples: I... thumbnail 1 summary

Grammar speaking & LearninG

beside / besides beside: preposition meaning 'next to', 'at the side of' Examples: I sit beside John in class.
Could you get me that book? It's beside the lamp. Continue Reading Below 
besides: adverb meaning 'also', 'as well'; preposition 

meaning 'in addition to'
Examples: (adverb) He's responsible for sales, and a lot more besides.
(preposition) Besides tennis, I play soccer and basketball. clothes / cloths clothes: something you wear - jeans, shirts, blouses, etc. Examples: Just a moment, let me change my clothes.
Tommy, get your clothes on! cloths: pieces of material used for cleaning or other 

purposes. Examples: There are some cloths in the closet. Use those to clean the 

I have a few pieces of cloth that I use. See Also: Confusing Words Quiz dead / died dead: adjective meaning 'not alive' Examples: Unfortunately, our dog has been dead for a few months.
Don't touch that bird. It's dead. died: past tense and past participle of the verb 'to die' Examples: His grandfather died two years ago.
A number of people have died in the accident. experience / experiment experience: noun meaning something that a person lives 

through, i.e. something that someone experiences. - also 

used as an uncountable noun meaning 'knowledge gained 


doing something' Examples: Continue Reading Below  (first meaning)His experiences in Germany were rather 

(second meaning) I'm afraid I don't have much sales 

experience. experiment: noun meaning something that you do to see the 

result. Often used when speaking about scientists and their 

studies. Examples: They did a number of experiments last week.
Don't worry it's just an experiment. I'm not going to keep my 

beard. felt / fell felt: past tense and past participle of the verb 'to feel' Examples: I felt better after I had a good dinner.
He hasn't felt this well for a long time. fell: past tense of the verb 'to fall' Examples: He fell from a tree and broke his leg.
Unfortunately, I fell down and hurt myself. female / feminine female: the sex of a woman or animal Examples: The female of the species is very aggressive.
The question 'female or male' means 'are you a woman or a 

feminine: adjective describing a quality or type of behaviour 

that is considered typical for a woman Examples: He's an excellent boss with a feminine intuition.
The house was decorated in a very feminine manner. its / it's its: possessive determiner similar to 'my' or 'your' Examples: Its color is red.
The dog didn't eat all of its food. it's: Short form of 'it is' or 'it has' Examples: (it is) It's difficult to understand him.
(it has) It's been a long time since I had a beer.

Made By 2Owner Fatima :) :)

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