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Saturday 30 April 2016

Software Concepts

Software Concepts Hardware and Software A computer consists of both hardware and software and both are equally important for the... thumbnail 1 summary
Software Concepts

Hardware and Software

A computer consists of both hardware and software and both are equally important for the working of the computer system. The electronic components of a computer system that we can see and touch are called hardware.  Software is a general term used for computer programs that control the operations of the computer.  A program is a sequence of instructions that perform a particular task.  A set of programs form software. It is the software which gives hardware its capability. Hardware is of no use without software and software cannot be used without hardware.

Types of Software

Software can be broadly are categorized as:

      System Software

      Application Software

      Utility Software

System Software

System Software is the software that is directly related to coordinating computer operations and performs tasks associated with controlling and utilizing computer hardware. These programs assist in running application programs and are designed to control the operation of a computer system. System software directs the computer what to do, when to do and how to do. System software can be further categorized into

      Operating System

      Language Translators

Operating System

An Operating system is the most important system software. It is a set of programs that control  and  supervise the hardware of a computer and also provide  services  to application  software,  programmers  and  users. It  manages  all  hardware and  software, input,  output  and  processing  activities  within  the  computer  system,  the  flow of information to and from the processor, sets priorities for handling different tasks, and so on. Without operating system a computer cannot do anything useful. When a computer is switched on, the operating system is the first program that is loaded onto its memory. A user cannot communicate directly with the computer hardware, so the operating system acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware. Some of the popular operating systems used in personal computers are DOS, Windows, UNIX, Linux, Solaris, etc. An  operating  system  can  be  a  Single  User  or  a  Multi user operating  system.  A  single user  operating  system  allows  only  one  user  to  work  at  any  time  but  a  multi user operating  system  allows  two  or  more  users to use a powerful computer  at  the  same time.  For  example  Windows  7  is  a  single  user  operating  system  while  Linux  is  a multiuser operating system.

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